19 September 2012

sounds of the sun and the earth

I´m always fascinated of sounds produced by nature. One of my projects is to make the routes we drive  audible. Recording the ups and downs along the way and play it like sinewaves.
Discovered Semiconductor, two artist who work in the same direction. Just see, what they do with sun winds...

and  with earth magnetism...

09 September 2012

Electro-busking at the pond

Summer Electro-busking fascinates me. Outdoor playing with battery powered gear. Stored in the backpack. Strolling, finding a place to glitch en plain air.
I found a little pond (Fischweiher) in the woods and added some electro to the bubbling water.

Set up a Yamaha VA 5 amplifier, a Motorola Xoom tablet with Reactable as a sequencer and a little Zoom pocket FX and did a little improvising. I recommend the VA 5 as a fine busking amp. Ligthwight, endless battery power, good sound. Listen...

04 September 2012

RS 7000: the way to...

Picked it up in Austria. In the beautiful Mostviertel. After a businessflight  which was early in the morning I returned at about 1 pm to Munich. Then went by car to Amstetten (you know, the Pritzl-Town), well not direct, but close to. The guy who sold the machine had not done much with it. To much features. Couldt not explain the easiest questions. We turned it on, it works, I went away.
How comes that I reached out for a RS 7000? Following the discussions in Muff Wigglers Forum I was surprised, how much adored Machinedrum was. In the forum Machinedrum is regarded as the best drum machine ever. My Machinedrum eats dust (see picture), because I´m very fast in beatmaking using cheap Zoomies or the incredible Yamaha RY 30. I always do realtime recording when sketching beats. Machinedrum is a step-recorder by default. Nice but not really as fast as I like it.
In his book "Loops&Grooves"  Todd Souvignier says step-recording is for the birds. Its always better to do real-time-recording. This was a nice remark and I started a thread in Muff Wigglers Forum:  "Is machinedrum for the birds?"
In more than 130 posts  Machinedrum was defended, But in the discussion some drawbacks of Machinedrum came up. E.G it cannot handle differnt bar lenghts. As an alternative Yamahas RS 7000 was mentioned. And praised as a more flexible drummachine then MD. Plus elaborated filtering and soundshaping. I got me all the information on the RS 7000. There was so much admiration that in the end I want one.
The RS 7000. Here it is. And it will cost me at least 2 lives of a cat.

But anyhow. Here´s the first RSTune: