27 May 2014

18 May 2014

My first Disquiet Junto Project

A sampling experience. Used the Zoom Sampletrak to record and cut the music. Mangled the samples with the inbuilt effects. Then recorded the song on my Tascam DP02. Hard work, because I had to restart several times.

This was the challenge:

Create a new piece of music by using nothing but the first 45 seconds from these three pieces of music:
Erissoma’s “The miracle in the human brain” from the addSensor netlabel:
Kayaka’s “O” from the As4cords netlabel:
D’Incise’s “Graphein” from the Audiotalaia netlabel:


15 May 2014

Ambiosoncis Session with AN200

Session 58. The center of my setup was a Yamaha AN 200. Perfect tool for playing live. Alesis Bitrman added some spice, Alesis Ineko revervs and delays.
They did good togehter.

Will upload some music later..